Bacca Graduate Fellowship

Bacca Graduate Fellows are a select group of PhD students who will each be the instructor of record in spring or summer, 2022-23. The fellows meet as a group throughout the academic year 2021-22.  Over the year, graduate fellows will receive coaching on designing their syllabus, setting learning goals, and fashioning assignments in line with LAMP goals (below).

Graduate Fellows receive a stipend of $1500, payable in May.

The Duke Language, Arts and Media Program (LAMP) is an undergraduate program focused on building strong, contemporary communication skills in our students.  LAMP supports undergraduate courses, faculty workshops, and programming that advance three main learning objectives:

  • Research as critical evaluation across media. Includes teaching students to make informed decisions about different types of sources and the critical consumption of media, such as print, video, audio, images, live performances and social media.
  • Composing across media. Includes teaching students how to create and communicate knowledge across media, including oral presentations, alphabetic text (written essay), audio (podcast), image (photo essay), and video (digital story). LAMP encourages students to learn how to communicate within multiple media forms in order to reflect our 21st century engagements.
  • Public Engagement. Includes helping students understand and gain practice in participatory citizenship through creating and sharing knowledge with publics beyond the classroom.
  • For Graduate Students
  • Deadline: Spring